The Friends are sponsoring a free, family-oriented event, Pollinator Day, on Saturday, June 25 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the big tent at the top of the Arboretum parking lot. (See program description below.) We're hosting exhibits and tours featuring butterflies, bees, birds, and the plants they pollinate. We hope to make this a fun event for all ages with several craft tables at which kids can color, build simple feeders and play games, all geared toward educating them about plants and pollinators.
We're looking for 16 teenage volunteers (age 15+) to help staff the four craft stations. Two shifts: 9 to 12 and 11:30 to 2:30 on June 25 (Rain Date: June 26).
Register here to volunteer.
Tuesday, June 21 - 7:00 PM
Join Heather Andrews, The Thoughtful Gardener, as she shares the secrets she learned from her Grandfather Andrews in his North Carolina garden, along with extensive garden research that will enable you to create a paradise for wildlife and your own family. Heather will show us how to welcome the "royalty" of the butterfly kingdom into our own gardens by creating the perfect oasis for the Monarch butterfly migration.
Heather Andrews is an author, photographer, traveler and speaker who works with homeowners and businesses to create sustainable native pollinator habitats. During the growing season, you will find her in her Monarch waystation, Cat-a-pillar Haven, video blogging on her YouTube Channel, Garden Thoughtfully. Heather is a two-time recipient of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Garden of Distinction Award for her Monarch waystation and for a pollinator garden she designed for the historic Craighead House in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in conjunction with the Master Gardeners of central Pennsylvania. Her proposal, "The Resurgence of Pollinator Hedgerows - Using Science to Create a Pollinator Oasis in Your Own Backyard", was accepted at the 2021 International Master Gardeners Conference.
This program is eligible for 1.0 Rutgers Master Gardener CEU.
Sat June 25 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Rain Date: Sun June 26)
We're celebrating Pollinator Week with a family-friendly mix of activities and exhibits focused on those all-important insects and birds who pollinate the flowers - without them there wouldn't be any seeds or food!
There will be experts on hand to talk about butterflies, honey bees and their hives, birds, and other insect pollinators. Guides will lead walks to identify insects at work in the garden and explain the clever ways that flowers attract them.
They'll be joined by horticulturists who can tell you what plants will bring pollinators into your own garden from early spring through the fall.
Activities will be under the big tent at the top of the parking lot at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum.
Stay tuned for further details.
Thursday, July 14 - 7:00 PM
A garden water feature can be anything from a birdbath to a large Versailles-type installation with sculptures and fountains. Whatever the size or type you choose, it will dramatically alter your landscape, broaden the palette of plants you can cultivate and enhance your garden for wildlife. Dr. Grimwade will consider the ideal site for a pond, styles of construction, equipment, plants and maintenance. Regardless of the style and size of your garden, there is a water feature for you!
Alexander (Sandy) Grimwade has been an avid, life-long gardener in Britain, the Netherlands and the United States, and currently serves as webmaster for the Delaware Valley Water Garden Society (DVWGS). He has constructed his own backyard pond and advised DVWGS members and many others on construction and management of their water features. Sandy is a Penn State Master Gardener and a volunteer guide and plant advisor at Pennsylvania Horticultural Society events.
This program is eligible for 1.0 Rutgers Master Gardener CEU.
Virtual Lunch and Learn - Roses: Beauties of the Garden
Thursday, June 23 - 12:00 to 12:45 PM
For more information and to register, click on the flyer.
The health of your garden soil is very important, not only for your lawn and plants, but to the wildlife that depends on the plants, flowers, fruit, etc. that grow in it.
Check out the following two Rutgers websites for more information:
And if you're looking for something fun to do on Father's Day, you might want to check out this Save the Soil Walkathon. Click on the flyer for more information
There used to be a set of stairs going up to the patio on the side of the Haggerty Education Center. Several years ago, the patio was renovated, the stairs were eliminated and new railings were installed; there is a handicapped accessible ramp to the patio, as well. The four lamp posts that were on the sides of the steps were left. The following spring, new plantings were installed where the stairs were; at first they really didn't look like much, but as the plants became established, grew and spread, the area turned into an attractive garden visible as you come up the driveway at the Arboretum.
The plantings are a combination of Prunus laurocerasus cv. Schipkaensis, Oakleaf Hydrangeas, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Hosta sieboldiana cv. Elegans, a lovely purple variegated leaf Iris, a perennial Geranium (Wargrave Pink, perhaps?) and some Columbines. Enjoy the photos.
Click an image to see them all in our website's picture gallery. Picture credits: Margery Ennist.
We are pleased to make several of our previously recorded events available in case you missed one or another of them.
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Amazon Smile
Don't forget to "SMILE!"Amazon Smile, that is!
Amazon, through the AmazonSmile Foundation will contribute 0.5% of your purchases on Amazon to a charitable organization you select. Please consider selecting The Friends of the Frelinghuysen Arboretum as your designated recipient from this wonderful program.
Click here and log in to your amazon account to designate the Friends as your charity.
All our events can be found on our Events Page where, we are happy to say, you can register and pay on line -- just click on the "Add to Cart" buttons on our Events page and Membership page. Questions or need more information? Email Lisa Bencivengo: or leave a message at (973) 937-8803.