July 5, 2023
Today we're featuring the lovely Koelreuteria paniculata 'Rose Lantern'. This is a dense, rounded, deciduous tree which grows to a height of between 30 and 40 feet with an equal or greater spread. It has pinnate leaves that emerge reddish in the spring, mature to a bright green and turn yellow in the fall. Airy panicles of delicate golden yellow flowers bloom in summer followed by dramatic, rose-pink, bladder-like fruits in the fall.
Known as the Golden Rain Tree, the Arboretum's specimen can be seen on the left at the end of the first parking bay as you come up the driveway from Hanover Avenue. Make a point of visiting it soon and come back to see the bladder-like fruits in the fall!
Click an image to see them all in our website's picture gallery. Picture credits: Margery Ennist.
This issue covers harvesting garlic scapes, four-lined plant bugs, purslane and much more.
Click on the Report to access and read this issue.
The Morris County Park Commission held its annual and very popular Fairy Day event last Sunday, June 25. Children and their families register for a day of fun creating Fairy houses and placing them around the Sylvan Terrace where they can be viewed for the next several weeks. Here are a couple examples of this year's creations.
Several of our previously recorded events are available to watch on-line.
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