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Aug 7, 2024


Distinguished Speaker Series with Anne 'Dede' Neal Petri
Advancing Democracy Through Landscape Design

A Look at the Olmsteds in New Jersey

Saturday, September 28 - 1:00 PM at the Haggerty Education Center

Anne 'Dede' Neal Petri

Frederick Law Olmsted's philosophy was to create parks for everyone, thus the use of the word democracy (with a small 'd') in the program title. He believed that connection to nature in urban areas was restorative and conducive to mental and physical well-being; he saw the power of parks to bring people of every background together. Olmsted's parks in New Jersey will be highlighted.

Anne 'Dede' Neal Petri holds a degree in American History and LIterature from Harvard University and a JD from Harvard Law School. During the course of a varied and brilliant career, she served as First Vice President and then President of the Garden Club of America, and is now the President and CEO of the Olmsted Network, the only national organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and restoring Olmsted parks and landscapes across the country. In April, Dede received the National Garden Club of America's 2024 Distinguished Service Medal for her "tireless service on behalf of plants and the spaces created to showcase them".

Light refreshments will be served.

For more information and to register, please click on Ms. Petri's photo.

Conifers in Pots


Philadelphia Area - September 13 and 14

The American Conifer Society (ACS) has offered members of the Friends a free digital ACS membership if they want to attend the Northeast Regional meeting. Contact Margery Ennist - - for registration information.

The Frelinghuysen Arboretum is a Reference Garden for the American Conifer Society, which is holding its NE Regional Meeting in the Philadelphia area on September 13 and 14. The program includes tours of public and private gardens during the day, and speakers and auction events during the evening. It's a fun opportunity to see some amazing conifers, from dwarf specimens to towering giants, and to learn more about them from dedicated members. You can also bring home your own plants from the Sunday morning sale. The conference cost is $290 for members until 8/15, then $330. Membership is $40. Hotel information and program details can be found at this link:

The photo of Conifers in Pots is at one of the gardens that will be visited.


Can you tell from these photos what's missing and what's new? The old arbor on the way into the Haggerty Education Center (HEC) was in pretty bad shape, so it has been removed and will be replaced with a new one sometime soon. The walkway from the old arbor into the HEC had become hazardous and has been replaced with a brand new, attractive and safe one. A gorgeous, bold and bright tropical Rushfoil (Croton) can be seen on the right as you work your way to the HEC's front door. Out by the first parking bay, the leaves of a Cotinus (Smoke Bush) glisten with raindrops from the storm that blew through on Sunday afternoon.

Missing Arbor
Croton New Walkway - 2 New Walkway Raindrops on Smoke Bush

Click an image to see them all in our website's picture gallery.


Several of our previously recorded events are available to watch on-line.

See our Prerecorded Events page for more information and to register.

Retail Partners

When shopping at our fine Retail Partners, please remember to present your Membership card at the beginning of your check out transaction. Our Retail Partners need to enter the discount at the beginning of that process.

If you have not yet used this wonderful Member Benefit, you can view our full list of Retail Partners by clicking here.

You can register and pay on line on our Events page and Membership page and subscribe to this newsletter here: complete directions for subscribing.


Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum
Post Office Box 2267
Morristown, NJ 07962

Voicemail: 973-937-8803


Morris County Park Commission Logo
The Frelinghuysen Arboretum is a facility of
the Morris County Park Commission
  • Frelinghuysen, Willowwood and Bamboo Brook Arboreta grounds are open 7 days a week, from 8am to dusk
  • The Haggerty Education Center is open 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily except holidays.
  • Parking is limited.
  • HUNTING IN THE PARKS - See the Morris County Park Commission website.