Thanksgiving Thoughts
Thanksgiving is a time of year when we gather together with family and friends to celebrate many things, particularly the gratitude we feel for the blessings we enjoy. We at the Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum have much to be thankful for: Our many Members and other special friends, a lovely venue in which to hold our programs, a wonderful group of volunteers, and most of all for all the support we receive all year long in terms of donations, program attendance and the feedback we need in order to improve what we do.
In the words of Marcel Proust:
"Let us be grateful
to the people who
make us happy;
they are the charming
gardeners who make
our souls blossom."
Thank you all for being our "charming gardeners", we appreciate you more than you can know!
Many good wishes to you and your families for a warm, bountiful and very Happy Thanksgiving!