Feb. 12, 2025
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David A. Robinson
Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography
NJ State Climatologist, NJ Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University
Saturday, March 1 - 9:00 AM (Snow Date: Sunday, March 2)
In person at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum
NOTE: Members and non-members alike pay $60 to attend without lunch and $80 to attend including lunch. Feel free to bring your own lunch if you like.
Click on the graphic for more information and to register.
Gardens of Tomorrow
Tuesday, March 4
The bus will leave the Arboretum parking lot at 10:00 AM SHARP
Click on the Flower Show logo for more information and to register.
Silver Maples: Dish Garden - Thursday, February 20
Silver Maples: Busy Bees - Thursday, March 27
Ages 55 and up - 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Click on the flyer for more information and to register.
This past Saturday the Friends hosted the Annual Benjamin Blackburn Scholarship Lecture with well-known Photographer, Rob Cardillo as our guest speaker. As you know, this is an annual fundraiser to provide a scholarship to a student or students in the Landscape and Horticultural Technology Program at County College of Morris. Thank you so much to all who purchased tickets to the event, or simply made a contribution. Also many thanks to Mendham Capital Management for their generous sponsorship of the program.
Mr. Cardillo presented a wonderful talk to a very engaged audience, offered books and calendars for sale after his talk and all attendees enjoyed light refreshments following the presentation. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who make everything run seamlessly!
Marge Hulstrunk and Russell Gatzke created the lovely centerpieces which were raffled off during the event. Judy Snow took the photo of one of Marge's whimsical arrangements, love all the detail, right down to the tiny little newspaper on the garden bench! Another arrangement was captured by Lisa Bencivengo, including a tiny birdbath, stepping stone path and garden gate. The photo of Judy Snow, Rob Cardillo and Kerry Mellot from Mendham Capital Management, was taken by Member Debby Juterbock. Thank you all.
Several of our previously recorded events are available to watch on-line.
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You can register and pay on line on our Events page and Membership page and subscribe to this newsletter here: complete directions for subscribing.