Feb. 19, 2025
As you may be aware, every year the Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum award a scholarship or scholarships to students in the Landscape Technology Program at County College of Morris (CCM).
We are now accepting applications for this year's scholarships so if you know anyone who might be interested in applying please let them know that instructions and the application form are available by clicking here: https://www.arboretumfriends.org/blackburn/.
We look forward to hearing from interested students.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David A. Robinson
Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography
NJ State Climatologist, NJ Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University
Saturday, March 1 - 9:00 AM (Snow Date: Sunday, March 2)
In person at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum
NOTE: Members and non-members alike pay $60 to attend without lunch and $80 to attend including lunch. Feel free to bring your own lunch if you like.
Click on the graphic for more information and to register.
Gardens of Tomorrow
Tuesday, March 4
The bus will leave the Arboretum parking lot at 10:00 AM SHARP
Click on the Flower Show logo for more information and to register.
Although the Haggerty Education Center is scheduled to close in April for some much needed HVAC work, the magnificent carriages on exhibit in the building can still be enjoyed until then. Along with the Colonial Revival mansion, the carriages are a reminder of a bygone era when the grounds of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum were the site of Whippany Farm.
Several of our previously recorded events are available to watch on-line.
When shopping at our fine Retail Partners, please remember to present your Membership card at the beginning of your check out transaction. Our Retail Partners need to enter the discount at the beginning of that process.
If you have not yet used this wonderful Member Benefit, you can view our full list of Retail Partners by clicking here.
You can register and pay on line on our Events page and Membership page and subscribe to this newsletter here: complete directions for subscribing.