A visit during Monday’s snowy weather, was chilly but quiet, lovely and relaxing. A curious Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) flitting about in the shrubbery at the entrance to the Haggerty Education Center, practically begged me to take its photograph! The dried flowers on a Hydrangea paniculata cv. Zwijnenburg (Limelight Panicle Hydrangea) were extra pretty with a light coating of snow as were the buds on the Pieris japonica cv. Valley Rose (Japanese Pieris). The lightly falling snow covered everything with delicate white snowflakes, from the branches of the Cedrus deodara cv. Snow Sprite (Himalayan Cedar) to the Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese Cedar), everything looked as if it had received a dusting of powdered sugar.
Picture credits: Margery Ennist.