At the Arboretum – 6/26/24

One of the great things about gardening is the ability to create planters to place around your property to fill in an empty space in a flower bed, or to create a focal point. There’s no limit to your creativity since the planters can be placed wherever needed and the contents can be as exotic as you want.

Here are three that can be seen around the Haggerty Education Center: A large terracotta planter containing Billbergia cv. Hallelujah Queen’s Tears, orange Zinnias and a delicate white Bacopa. Another pot placed in the shade behind the handicap ramp contains Bacopa again, a couple of bright red flowers (perhaps a Begonia and Petunia) and a large leafy tropical all nicely backed up by an Oakleaf Hydrangea in full bloom. The third planter has a trellis for the pink Mandevilla to twine up plus a dark leaved vine to provide contrast between the pink and white flowers. I call this one Pretty in Pink!

There are more planters scattered around the property, so why not visit and try to find them all!

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.