Mid-September flowers, a pretty pink Hydrangea and a peach-colored tropical Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia). A wide angle shot of the large bed that borders the driveway as you come up from Hanover Avenue features a large white Hydrangea, some ornamental grasses, the Seven Sons Tree (Heptacodium miconioides) on the right and other plants as well.
The tropical plants are really enjoying the hot, humid weather we’ve been experiencing.
A Pineapple plant (Ananas comosus, in the Bromeliad family) is growing in a bed next to the Mansion by the Rose Garden and it has produced a fruit! The bed of tropical plants next to the Carriage House on the way into the Haggerty Education Center is a vibrant, colorful collection of Coleus, Croton, Banana and Colocasia surrounding a Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) with its very symmetrical crown of dark green, glossy leaves.
A tall, slender terracotta vessel is home to a spectacular Staghorn Fern (Platycerium). You can find it nestled in a shady corner next to the front steps to the Haggerty Education Center.
Summer will soon be officially over, so make sure to visit the Arboretum soon!
Texture, height, form and color all contribute to the creation of a lovely garden “snapshot” such as that presented by the tall, purple Tibouchina, daisy-like yellow flowers in the middle and the lower Black-eyed Susan’s at the front of the bed in the photo below. Purple and yellow are opposites on the color wheel and thus make for a strong complementary color combination.
The recently opened path that links the waterwise deck area to the lower area in front of Matilda’s cottage is another example of combining color, form, shape and height to create a pleasant to the eye vignette; there is a variety of low succulents, large mounds of silvery Artemisia. coral colored flowers in pots and more; there’s a bench nearby that allows a visitor to sit and enjoy the scenery.
Verbena bonariensis punctuates the gardens next to Matilda’s Cottage with its airy purple flowers held aloft on delicate stems; the pretty Rudbeckia ‘Henry Eilers’ with its spoon-like yellow flower petals is happily blooming in front of the Branching Out fence.
It’s late August but the grounds at the Arboretum are still putting on quite a show. There’s a large pink Dahlia ‘Belle of Barmera’ blooming in the Cottage garden. The circular Tropical Garden in front of the deck by the Marsh Meadow is a wonderful assembly of Monstera, dark leaved/red flowering Cannas, tall Banana plants, Brugmansia, Elephant Ears, Rubber plants, etc. And the beds at the entrance to the Haggerty Education Center have filled out in an exuberance of muted pinks, from the flower heads of Savannah Ruby Grass (Melinis nerviglumis ‘Savannah’) to the tiny round pink flowers of Talinum ‘Jewels of Opar’ to the larger flowers of Digiplexis ‘Illumination Flame’. Be sure to schedule a visit soon.
Several weeks ago, we featured the lovely Koelreuteria paniculata ‘Rose Lantern’ tree. The delicate yellow flowers have transformed into green “lanterns”; eventually these will dry and hold the next generation’s seeds. Isn’t nature amazing?
A pretty Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia cv. ‘Acoma’) is blooming along the driveway as you come up from Hanover Avenue, its delicate, crinkly, white flowers floating above the foliage like soft little clouds. The attractive, exfoliating bark offers winter interest once the foliage and flowers have fallen.
Regardless of where my travels may take me, I am always drawn to the plants and flowers typical of the area I’m visiting. A few special ones from my recent trip to Portugal:
High above the Atlantic Ocean at Cabo da Roca (the westernmost point in Europe) I found a feathery yellow flower blooming among its succulent-like leaves, probably a Delosperma (Ice Plant).
In a seaside town, lining the street, the striking red bottlebrush flowers of the Pohutukawa metrosideros excelsa trees (New Zealand Christmas Tree) were putting on quite a show.
Bougainvillea could be found everywhere, draped over walls, fences and buildings and covered in masses of papery magenta flower bracts.
A day trip to the Douro Valley was a wonderful experience; the hillsides of this World Heritage designated area are covered in grapevines as far as the eye can see. The harvest will begin in September followed by the production of the world famous Port wines of Portugal.
Thanks to frequent contributor, Steve Kanan, for another batch of lovely pictures. He said he enjoyed normal weather so much that he followed up his morning visit with another in the afternoon.
Don’t miss out on summer at the Frelinghuysen — visit the gardens soon.