Author: Webmaster

Today at the Arboretum – 2/8/22

The day started out sunny, in the mid-40’s, but turned chilly and windy. The Witch Hazels and Pussy Willows are starting to bloom, love the splash of color and the fuzzy buds. Here are photos of a Magnolia denudata (Yulan Magnolia) bud, the flowers of Hamamelis vernalis ‘Red Imp’ (Witch Hazel) and the buds and blooms of Salix chaenomeloides (Giant Pussy Willow).

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

URL to Particular Event on Events Page

To create a URL to a particular event on the Events page

  • Go to the EventsDev-Future page on the website ( This is a page that not only shows the current published events but also includes un-published events. Importantly for today’s task, it also includes the ID number for each of the events which you will need below.
  • Scroll down to the desired event. Let’s use the 4/7/22 Biblical Botany lecture as an example. Look at the title for that event and you will see a 5-digit number in parentheses. It is 10803 in this case.
  • The URL that will open the Events page to that particular event is made up of 3 pieces, one right after the other, with no spaces or punctuation:
    • Events page URL:
    • The pound sign: #
    • The event id number: 10803
  • Leading to: as the desired URL.
  • If you navigate to that URL and if the event is still published, then your browser will open the Events page at that particular event.

The Frelinghuysen Arboretum Under a Blanket of Snow – 2/1/22

The winter storm last weekend wasn’t as serious as it might have been, but nevertheless the snowfall covered the Arboretum’s grounds with a crisp white blanket. Come for a visit, but do wear boots as some of the paths have not been shoveled. Here are photos of the Meadow, the Mansion and the Arbor under their snowy cover.

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

Yellow in the Winter Gardens at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum – 1/26/22

You might be surprised to see yellow in the winter garden, but several so-called evergreen plants also sport some yellow foliage; i.e., the green and yellow-spotted Aucuba japonica cv. Variegata (Japanese Aucuba), a rosette of yellow Ilex leaves (Holly species) and the yellow needles of Cephalotaxus harringtonia cv. Korean Gold (Japanese Plum Yew). Incidentally, Cephalotaxus is a good, deer-resistant substitute for Taxus baccata (English Yew).

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

At the Frelinghuysen Arboretum – 1/18/22

Brrr, it was cold and windy at the Arboretum today! And yet, there was still some green to be found peeking through the snow which fell last week, i.e. fronds of Dryopteris erythrosora cv. Brilliance (Autumn Fern, note the fertile fronds at the top of the photo) and the tight evergreen rosettes of Euphorbia amygdaloides subspecies robbiae (Wood Spurge). Also, the beautiful, delicate, dry seed pods of Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Blue Mist’ (Blue Mist Shrub also known as Bluebeard or Blue Spirea).

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

Chilly Day at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum – 1/12/22

A chilly and brisk walk around the grounds today. A couple of Winter arrangements in large pots at the Haggerty Education Center and the beautiful red twigs of Cornus alba cv. Siberica (Red Twig Dogwood) were on display.

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

A Walk Along the Meadow at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum – 1/5/22

I took a walk along the Meadow behind the Frelinghuysen Mansion today; I strolled along the path towards the Pinetum on this lovely sunny afternoon, a welcome change from the last several cloudy, dreary days. The Meadow is under restoration to eliminate foreign invasive plants and install natives. The view across the meadow is quite bucolic and the walk very enjoyable. There are several benches to rest on along the way, one of which is surrounded by Ilex verticillata shrubs (Winterberry Holly) laden with red berries. The Pinetum holds many of our large collection of Conifers, among them a lovely Cedrus deodara cv. Kashmir (Deodar Cedar). In the woods across from the meadow, there are several beautiful Beech trees (Fagus grandifolia) with their smooth gray trunks and persistent leaves. Make time to take your own walk along this peaceful stretch at the Arboretum, you won’t be sorry!

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

Image Files – How to Insert into an Event, Article or Blog Entry

Revised 2/22/21

Make sure your photo is a jpg or png file no larger than 1000 pixels on an edge. Put them in an easily found location, e.g., your desktop.

Click the “Add Event” link in the WebDev Links section and add your text. When ready, click at the beginning of the line where you want to insert the picture (#1 in screenshot) and then click the image handling button (#2).


Click the “Browse Server” button (#3) to open the server’s file manager window.


Now make sure the “Pictures” folder is highlighted (#4 – this is where you want to store the images) and then click the “Upload” button (#5).


Now click “Choose file” (#6)


Select the file you want to upload (#7) and then click “Choose for Upload” (#8).


Note the name of the file you chose is in the window (#9). Check the Event (250×250) box (#10) and then click “Upload (#11). This uploads the image plus a resized copy (250×250 pixels) to the server.


The file list now shows 2 versions of the file, the original you uploaded plus the resized version with “Event_” inserted at the beginning of the original name. Select the “Event_filename.jpg” (#12) and then click “Insert file” (#13).


Now we are back to the Image Properties window from several steps ago, but now the URL is filled in as are the Width and Height. Check the “Alignment Right” and “Captioned image” boxes (#14) and then click “OK” (#15).


And here we are back in the with our image inserted. One more step, though. Either add a new caption to the image or delete the word caption (#16). 



And here is the finished product. Note the space between the image and the text.


Virtual Gingerbread (VGBW) Help

Virtual Gingerbread Overview

Virtual Gingerbread 2020 is implemented on the Friends’ website through the following:

  • Entry Form – available to the public at this url: An entrant fills out the form and saves it on line. It is added to the sit’s database, with the OKd field set to “No”.
  • All the forms may be seen by Editors or Admins using one of the Admin views (see below), but only forms with the OKd field set to “Yes” will be visible on the Public views.
  • Website editors or admins may edit the Entry Forms and OK them.
  • At the appropriate time, the public will be invited to view and vote on entries using the Public Voting view.
  • An Admin View is available that will allow downloading a csv file of data from all the entries.

How to OK or Edit an Entry

  • Log in on website
  • Use VGBW-Admin by OKd view – this is sorted with Not OKd at the top.
  • Click on title of the entry you want to OK or Edit.
  • Click on Edit
    • Make sure the selfie image is in the 4th position, since the Public display view shows only the first 3 images.
      • If necessary, change order using Row Weights
      • First, click on “Show row weights” above first image.
      • Then, change the selfie’s weight to 4 (that will move it to 4th position when you save).
    • Edit other fields as necessary
    • Click OKd: Yes
    • Click Save
    • The entry should now be visible in the VGBW-Public views.

Virtual Gingerbread Views

There are 5 views:

  • 3 Admin views accessible only by logged in users with Role of Editor or Administrator:.
    • Admin – by Date – All entries, sorted in descending order of date created.
    • Admin – by OKd – All entries, sorted 1st descending by OKd, 2nd descending by date created
    • VGBW CSV Export – exports csv file of all entries
  • 2 Public views:
    • Public – no voting buttons – Only OKd and Published entries
    • Public – with voting buttons (under development) – Only OKd and Published entries, but including Voting Buttons

Editing Events

  1. Setting “Filled” or “Cancelled” signs on existing Events
    Log in
    Click on “EventsDev-Fut” at top left or on “EventsDev-Future” in WebDev Links in right sidebar.
    Scroll to event you wish to change.
    Click “Edit” button at end of title line. This opens the edit window for the selected event.
    Scroll down to the “Status” buttons. Probably the “Active” button shows selected (black dot next to it). Click on “Filled” or “Cancelled.” The black dot will then appear next to your selection.
    Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the “Save” button.
    Click on “EventsDev-Fut” at top left and navigate to the event you changed to confirm that the “Filled” or “Cancelled” sign is posted and the registration buttons have disappeared.
    Editing information about an event.
    Log in
    Click on “EventsDev-Fut” at top left or on “EventsDev-Future” in WebDev Links in right sidebar.
    Scroll to event you wish to change.
    Click “Edit” button at end of title line. This opens the edit window for the selected event.
    Change the information you want to update, e.g., times, description, other information, etc.
    Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the “Save” button.
    Click on “EventsDev-Fut” at top left and navigate to the event you changed to confirm that the changes were made.