Saturday 10-21-23 09:00 am (Eastern)
Location: Haggerty Center
Celebrating the Pinetum at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum – A Rendezvous of the Northeast Region of the American Conifer Society

This year’s Tree Symposium will be held jointly with the American Conifer Society. Following is the program schedule:
9:00 AM – Registration and Coffee
9:30 AM – Welcome and Overview
Judy Snow, Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum and Debbie Merriam, President, Northeast Region, American Conifer Society
10:00 AM – Bruce Crawford, Garden Manager, The Frelinghuysen Arboretum
The Frelinghuysen Pinetum – Past, Present and Future
Hear the fascinating story of how a summer home and estate built during Morristown’s Gilded Age became an Arboretum whose collection of conifers is now recognized as a Reference Garden by the American Conifer Society. Bruce Crawford will talk about the development of the Pinetum and some of the significant older conifer specimens, as well as some of the newest dwarf conifers in the collection donated by Frank and Joan Goodhart.
10:45 AM – Beth Brantley, Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories
The Conifer Conundrum
Climate change, cultural conditions and pests and pathogens present challenges for many coniferous species. In her presentation, Beth Brantley will review species in decline, health issues and opportunities for alternative conifer species. Pests, pathogens, abiotic disorders and cultural challenges will be featured, with suggestions for managing these problems or avoiding them with more resistant conifer species.
11:30 AM – Jean Epiphan, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agent, Morris County
Creating a Woodland Garden with Indigenous Plants and Vertical Structure
Woodland gardens can be challenging to create and manage as they are inherently different from conventional garden beds and borders. Jean Epiphan will discuss how to use understory plants and shrubs, as well as natural mulches to restore soil health and native plant communities. She will offer suggestions on how to incorporate conifers at all levels of the three-dimensional landscape.
12:15 PM – Buffet Lunch
1:00 PM – Dedication of the Goodhart Dwarf Conifer Collection and tours of the Frelinghuysen Pinetum
2:30 PM – Tour of the Hammer Garden, Morristown
This program has been approved by the New Jersey Board of Tree Experts for 5.0 CEUs
This program has been approved by the New Jersey Urban and Community Forestry Program for 3.5 NJUCF CEUs.
This program is eligible for 4.0 Rutgers Master Gardener CEUs.
Registration for this program will close at 12:00 Noon on Friday, October 20.
For questions contact: or
Members of the American Conifer Society may register at the Members of Friends price for this program.