Thursday 09-23-21 12:00 am (Eastern) 7:00 PM

Ground covers are no longer limited to lawns and Pachysandra. There is a plethora of choices from those that carpet the ground, to clumping plants & even small shrubs and hardscaping that can reduce labor intensive lawns, help to eliminate weeds, control erosion, add more color and year-round enjoyment to your landscape and even cut down on constant mulch replacement. Enjoy gardening more with ground covers.
Detailed handouts will be provided before the program to assist in selecting, planting and caring of ground covers.
Free, but registration is required. This program will not be recorded. Please note: When you submit your registration, your ONLY confirmation will be on the screen that shows you’ve successfully registered. Please make a note of it. Registration will close at 2:00 pm the day of the event and a Zoom link will then be sent to your email. Please check your spam folder if you have not received it.
Contact with any questions.