Taking the Mystery Out of Organic Gardening, with Master Gardener Grace Tshanakas

Thursday 04-03-25 07:00 pm (Eastern)

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Have you ever wondered what organic vegetable gardening is all about? In this session you will learn the basics about how to create and maintain an organic vegetable garden. The following topics are included: organic definition, understanding the basics of soil health, organic seeds, tillage, irrigation, fertilization and pest/disease management.

This program is eligible for 1.0 Rutgers Master Gardener CEU’s.

Registration will close at 6:30 PM on April 3.

This program is free, but registration is required. Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQhRjTVeViSz4KEZtR4JMr7kybgUbpS4C2h5w2nnn8RJCQBA/viewform?usp=header

Questions? Contact mennist@arboretumfriends.net or lbencivengo@arboretumfriends.net
