Why You Should Consider a Water Feature for Your Garden

Tuesday 09-27-22 07:00 pm (Eastern)


With Dr. Alexander Grimwade


Dr. Grimwade’s Water Garden

A garden water feature can be anything from a birdbath to a large Versailles-type installation with sculptures and fountains. Whatever the size or type you choose, it will dramatically alter your landscape, broaden the palette of plants you can cultivate and enhance your garden for wildlife. Dr. Grimwade will consider the ideal site for a pond, styles of construction, equipment, plants and maintenance. Whatever the style and size of your garden, there is a water feature for you!

Alexander (Sandy) Grimwade has been an avid, life-long gardener in Britain, the Netherlands and the United States. He is webmaster for the Delaware Valley Water Garden Society (DVWGS), he has constructed his own backyard pond and advised DVWGS members and many others on construction and management of their water features. Sandy is a Penn State Master Gardener and a volunteer guide and plant advisor at Pennsylvania Horticultural Society events.

Registration for this program will close at 4:00 PM on the day of the program.

This program will be recorded and available to people who register for it.

For questions contact: mennist@arboretumfriends.net or lbencivengo@arboretumfriends.net
