
The Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum in cooperation with the Morris County Park Commission sponsor numerous programs. These programs include adult workshops, lectures, bus trips and a spring Plant Sale as well as children’s gardening programs and school and scout programs. Volunteers are absolutely essential to our operation. We could not function without our volunteers’ help as seen in these picture from our recent Pollinators Day program..

Contact the Friends at info@arboretumfriends.net or leave a message at 973-937-8803 for more information. 

Volunteer Opportunities through the Friends

Plant Sale

Opportunities abound at our annual plant sale, including set-up and tear-down, pricing, cashiers, plant consultants and more. Check our home page mid March – May for more details and to sign up for next Plant Sale.

Gingerbread Wonderland Exhibit and Craft Show

After consulting with Morris County Park Commission staff, we jointly determined that health, safety and staffing concerns prevent the Friends from staging this popular program.  Please check back next year.


We are looking for talented and experienced photographers we can call on to photograph events at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum and other sites. Volunteers will be asked to take photos of speakers, the staff and volunteers working at these events, and of the attendees. These photos may appear in Arboretum Leaves, on our web site, in our Email Blast or used in local publications. Volunteer photographers will receive complimentary admittance to any event they cover.

Special Events

Assist at Special Events with hospitality or other tasks as needed to ensure the success of the event. Help promote membership by acquainting the public with the special advantages the Friends offer. 

Pop Up Events

Volunteer opportunities vary depending on the event.  Volunteer information will be announced in our weekly eblasts when applicable.

Volunteer Opportunities through Morris County Parks

Enjoy being outdoors? Have a love for Mother Nature and the beauty of the Park Commission’s diverse gardens? Join Morris Park’s volunteer team. Check here to view current Morris County Park volunteer opportunities.