Members Only Early Bird Shopping – Fri April 29 – 4 pm to 7 pm

Join us in the big tent for light food, refreshments and early plant shopping.
Members register for the Early Bird shopping by clicking here. Not a member? Why not join now on-line by going to our Membership Page and then register for Early Bird shopping.
Here is the link to the Plant Sale in the Tent Order List.
Public Plant Sale – Sat April 30 – 9 am to 4 pm & Sun May 1 – Noon to 4 pm
Our 25th Annual Plant Sale, open to the public.
Virtual Plant Sale – now closed
SHOP NOW at our online plant sale featuring many special plants then pick your order up at the tent: Members Apr. 29 – May 1. Non-Members Apr. 30 – May 1. Shop early, as many of these plants sold out last year, and may not be available at our live sale. Browse and shop at (orders closed).